Exciting New Updates Coming to Kanguru Remote Management Console - KRMC
Exciting New Updates Coming to Kanguru Remote Management Console - KRMC
Kanguru Solutions is proud to announce exciting new updates coming soon to KRMC! Along with an enhanced look and feel, Kanguru is improving device management through group-based provisioning, and adjusting how KRMC users interact with configured settings. Many other great features will be announced over the next few months.
An Enhanced KRMC User Experience
These updates will enhance the ability to manage, monitor, and provision Kanguru Defender® encrypted devices in KRMC. The goal is to help make remote management and data security experience even easier. Read on to learn more and gain a better understanding of the exciting new changes coming soon to KRMC!

New Group-Based Management Configuration for KRMC

Why Groups?
Kanguru above all aims to preserve the provisioning and ownership of existing drives. That configuration will not change. Groups, along with other changes can provide site administrators with increased control over permissions, requirements, and customizations with their Kanguru Defender drives.
Groups can be seen as sections of the organization that may require unique or custom permissions or ownership to help improve a variety of data security needs.

What is Being Added?
When the server is updated in a few months, new features will be added to the Administrator's account. Kanguru will be sending out notifications to all Administrators to keep them informed as this transition takes place and make it as easy as possible.
1) A new group will be created under the Super Administrator (SA). This group will contain devices that are currently not in a defined group (unassigned). Going forward, drives will no longer be labelled as “Unassigned”. All new drives will be added to this group by default and have the global settings applied.
2) Each Regular Administrator (RA), will have a group automatically created for them. where any drives the administrator has ownership over will reside.
3) Any user who has drives assigned to them will have a group automatically created with the same name and permissions. For example: A user called “David”, with 5 drives assigned for ownership will be converted to a group called David with the same 5 drives assigned.
Please note, this will not affect ownership of the drives or provisioning of any drives. The new updated configuration will effectively move away from user organization and provide more functionality through groups. When this transition is complete, there will no longer be a need for users. Users will be phased out to avoid organizational confusion.

How Does This Affect Global Settings?
The new group organization will work with global settings using hierarchy. The global settings apply to ALL drives on the account.
Groups, however, can have settings that are separate from the Global Settings but must be more complex than the global settings.
For example, if a global setting of a 10-character password minimum is set, any group setting must be 10 characters or more. This can help with some groups needing certain settings that don’t apply to all devices.

What Should I Do As An Administrator to Prepare?
There are a few minor items to make sure the account transition takes place effectively.
1. Make sure a drive is not assigned to more than one user or group:
When drives transition into groups, if a device is in more than one group (or owned by more than one user) it will be in those new groups as well. Though this will not cause any issues on the account, new provision settings will not be allowed on the drive until it is only part of one group.
2. Gain a full understanding of how permissions will flow:
All Global Settings provisioned by a Super Administrator must be followed by all Administrators and Users. Group settings are maintained by the owner of the Group and can have additional settings for that particular group. Group Settings will only affect the drives within that group. See the KRMC Permissions Hierarchy Chart below:

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