Welcome to KRMC!
Welcome to the Kanguru Remote Management Console™ (KRMC™)
Thank you for your purchase of a Kanguru Defender hardware encrypted drive. We're confident you will be pleased with the many benefits your device has to offer. To help you begin the process of securing data, here are a few items you should know to get started. Please don't forget to register your Defender device so that we may provide fast and efficient technical support and warranty services.

KRMC Introduction
KRMC has been the industry standard for remotely managing Kanguru Defender® hardware encrypted drives for 15 years. With KRMC, Administrators can enforce security policies for a fleet of Defender drives anywhere in the world. This is ideal for organizations who have many encrypted drives used by staff / employees containing sensitive data. KRMC is a fully-integrated, robust remote management system hosted by Kanguru on Rackspace's secure, redundant environment. Kanguru also offers a self-hosted service for large Enterprises.
Your Defender Device
Sensitive data contained on Defender hardware encrypted drives solely remains on the Defender device itself. It cannot be accessed through the Kanguru Remote Management Console, however, the security policies for the drive can be managed by an Administrator, Manager or Security Officer within the organization using KRMC, anywhere in the world. If you purchased the Defender drive for yourself, then you are the Administrator. When you set up your new Defender drive with a KRMC account, you become the Administrator of the Defender device.*

In August 2024, Kanguru rebranded KRMC with a whole new look and feel, along with a more convenient price-tiered structure. KRMC is now KRMC-Hosted. If you would like to manage your Defender drive(s) remotely using KRMC-Hosted, you can choose one of three different tiers to best fit your security needs.
There are a host of robust security policies and features available with each level of KRMC-Hosted. Depending on the level of security and actions you would like to take with your drives, you can choose a subscription based on a specific price-tier that will meet your needs.
To learn more about KRMC-Hosted, see the full KRMC-Hosted Introduction below.
*Note: If you have been provisioned with a Kanguru Defender device from your organization, your drive may already be managed by a company authorized Administrator KRMC account. In this case, you will not be able to set up a KRMC account.